We inform you that we are moving to a new domain soon! We inform you that we are moving to a new domain soon. 10 x XP Rate, 10 x Item Rate 5 x Money, 5 x Honor&Reputation Vote and be rewarded Dungeon Finder with PlayerBots! AutoBalance Dungeons Auto learn spells when Leveling! Gold reward on LevelUp!

Server Updated!                                                                                                                                                                                      January,11,2025

The server has been updated to the latest revision. What's new? We have added BG Reward modules. Now in all Battlegrounds, players receive the corresponding badges as rewards. Winners x3 badges and losers x1 badge. We have also included LowLevelArena so now PVP fans can start playing Arena at Level 10. Players can use the chat command ".lla queue" to log into the Arena (Skirmish). Added rewards for Rated Arena. The winning team gets 3 x Badge of Justice and the losing team gets 1 x Badge of Justice. It is also important to note that Bots now use mounts: Ground mount at Lvl 20, Fast Ground mount at Lvl 40, Fly mount at Level 60 and Fast fly mount at Level 70.


News!                                                                                                                                                                                                      January, 08,2025

We have done a lot in the last few days. The server is set to the latest revision. PlayerBots are now set to 10% activity in empty maps. Of course, Bots that are in a group/party/raid or near an active player still use 100% activity so Latency is now significantly reduced so there should be no lag now. 

We are currently working on PlayTime Reward, so it may happen that you occasionally receive rewards during online play, but these rewards are not regular because we are working on fixing bugs.

In addition to all of the above, we also updated the item store shop so that many items were added and some prices were set on VP and DP. Of course, everything isn't finish yet, and we need some time for that.

News!                                                                                                                                                                                                  December, 18,2024

Today we maid some news on our website. Now we have Item Store and Character Store. On Item Store we don't need to say much because everything is as before but  in Character Store you trade with characters. It should be noted that, when selling character the sale also includes the whole inventory. Those two section are located in Shop.  We'we added a PlayerBot Guide section that you can find in Features or here. We have also added an Online PlayersMap that can make it easier for you to find players. Online PlayersMap is in the section Players or here. Also we fix Registration link!

Store is reconstructed and work!                                                                                                                                                     December, 14,2024

The store is full fixed and now work propertly.


Store is in reconstruction!                                                                                                                                                                December, 13,2024

The store is currently under reconstruction and will not be available for some time. We are working on improvement and it will be returned as soon as possible, so we ask for your patience. Thank you all for your understanding.
We also fixed the portal for Shattrath located on the Isle of Quel'Danas so that players can return to Shattrath!


New Website finaly come!                                                                                                                                                               December, 13, 2024

As you can see we added new Design in our Website. We currently have a plan to aaded a more quality modules on the websyte such as Marketplace (Character/Item sell) and many other quality modules to make the game much better for players.

Wrath of the Lich King                                                                                                                                                                      December 13, 2024

We are currently working on reworking the battleground queue and related systems from the ground up. It is a big task, but one that is needed to progress further with our cross-realm project. Furthermore we are cleaning up lots of scripts and creature behavior in Northrend and its instances.The work on our anti-cheat is also progressing and we are continuing the battle for fair play.